Just Moved Into My New Home…Won’t you Come Visit?

MovingMy Wilderness Journey has taken me on a New Path

I am relocating and I’d like you to travel with me on the new path that I am taking!

My Blog has a new address:

Web Header4http://www.pamelabyrd.com

THIS NEW JOURNEY  has given me an opportunity to better equip you for “your journey”.   I hope that you will join me at www.pamelabyrd.com and continue to be a part of my community.

Let's Take a Peak at What's in Store

Let’s Take a Peak at What’s in Store


  • You will continue to gain valuable insight into the intricate world of Journal writing as a tool for personal growth.
  • You will also gain clarity in the significance of setting boundaries in your life in order to live life more abundantly.

These two areas of focus, working in concert will enable you to work through challenges that prevent you from moving forward in many areas.

As a Journaling Practitioner and Boundaries Mentor, my goal is to:

  • Support you in working through uncertainties with tools and resources that will empower you to achieve all that is possible for you.
  • Help you to recognize your God given talents and abilities and equip you to build upon them for substantial growth.

I am still unpacking so there’s boxes everywhere, but no work for you,  just come on over and let’s cozy up for a nice cup of coffee (or tea, or wine, your preference), make yourself at home, and let’s grow together!

deck chairs

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Hello Fear — Let’s Talk

261512_10151282506322384_986357736_nAs a journal writing Practitioner, I am constantly sharing tips on the many styles of journal writing and how this thought-provoking practice serves as a tool for self reflection, personal growth and healing.

One of the most rewarding styles of journal writing is called REFLECTIVE JOURNALING”.  When helping people to uncover the value in this style of journal writing and what it can do for them,  I saddle them with a daily journal writing exercise where they expound on the answer to the question,  What Did I Learn Today”.

Here is just an example, from my own journal entry, of what one can learn and how one can apply this lesson to their everyday lives:

October 12, 2011

What Did I Learn Today?

FEARI learned to change the way I look at fear. 

Reading “Do it Afraid”, by Joyce Meyer,  has taught me that I have to walk back through the doors of pain in order to get through it.  The more we run away from it, the more doors we shut and collect that take us further into the jail cell of fear where the enemy wants us to stay. 

Every time we allow fear to stop us from doing something, we take ourselves deeper into the prison walls. 

jail cellImagine yourself going into a dark and dirty dungeon of solitary confinement.

The key that locks the cell is in your hands.

You can get yourself out.

You can free yourself from this prison by using the key in your hand to unlock the door, open it and walk toward freedom.

Every step you take will lead you to another locked door, but your key opens every door that you encounter.

That key is the Word, God’s Word. 

His Word is the key to unlocking every door that stands between you and your freedom from fear. The steps you take to unlock these doors are the realization that you have to walk in the direction of the locked door in order to get out and to be set free.

This means walking into the fear–

and not trying to deny it, or allowing it to hold you captive, especially when…get this….


What fear are you holding onto?  What fear is paralyzing you beyond forward keymovement?

Is it the fear of talking to someone,

the fear of letting go,

the fear of making a much-needed change?

  1. Whatever that fear may be, identify it and give it a name. If you haven’t listened to Kirk Franklin’s “Hello Fear” in a while, it’s time to listen to it again, and again, and again.  He provides a wonderful example of developing a dialog with your fears.   
  2. Begin to dialog with the fear.  Typically fear originates from the unknown or misunderstood.  Your ability to give it a name and converse with it allows you to gain a new perspective on the fear, its origin and its ill-perceived power over you. 
  3. As you begin to dialog with this fear, God will begin to lead you to an understanding of that fear.   This is where you start to understand that the key that you hold can unlock the door and move you away from the invisible shackles that have kept you in bondage for far too long.                                                                                                                       That key is feeling pretty good right about now isn’t it?!

Fearful?  Yes.  BUT, when you truly believe that God is with  you, you know that you can then begin to say and BELIEVE that

The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear Him, and He delivers them.  Psalm 34:7

The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear Him, and He delivers them. Psalm 34:7

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me”.

Please take a moment to answer this polling question to begin identifying your fears:


Pamela Byrd (Wilderness Journeys) is a Spiritual Life Coach and Journaling Practitioner.

Life Coach & Journaling Practitioner

Life Coach & Journaling Practitioner

She is a staunch advocate for human potential and partners with individuals in learning how to develop the discipline of personal journaling as a tool for personal growth .

She has been journaling since she was 11 years old and conducts highly interactive journaling workshops both live and virtually for groups, churches and a variety of organizations.

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Your Piano

Sherry Meneley has created a wonderful post that resonates strongly with me and exemplifies life along with the CHOICES we make to either live it or let it pass by.

There is music in all of us…it’s how we choose to orchestrate the keys and the strings that determines the melody.

Your Piano.

Posted in Women's Empowerment | Tagged , , , , , , , | 11 Comments

Do Your Boundaries Reflect Who You Belong To?

As a strong advocate for women who are ready to Establish Proper Boundaries in all areas of their lives, the search for foundational principles that support this quest is never-ending. 

As I search through MY best reference source, the Bible, I am always amazed at the correlation between God’s Word and the importance of setting proper boundaries.  Exodus 34:12 –

caution“Take heed to yourself, lest you make a covenant or mutual agreement with the inhabitants of the land to which you go, lest it become a snare in the midst of you.”

This was God’s warning to the Israelites informing them of their responsibility once they left Egypt and before they entered the promised land. 

This is an important boundary to establish and relates to many areas of your life, but for this conversation, it relates to your “association” and the people who you may allow to influence you.

What God is basically saying here is that you will be placed in an environment where others are not like you.

gossipAs we live day-to-day, we are surrounded by those that don’t share our beliefs or our values.


What’s important to remind ourselves, is that just because we are surrounded by them, does not mean that we have to allow their practices and behaviors to influence us to go outside of your own values.

The more you place yourself in the environment where they reside,  the areas that are contrary to your beliefs as children of God, the more you are susceptible to MIRRORING their behavior.

woman nappingSo What Does This Look Like?

Let’s take your place of employment as an example.  Companies are notorious for loosening boundaries.  Every day, they are allowing their employees to “push the envelope” on the boundaries they try to establish within their control; employees coming in to work; inching their way into the office later and later, taking longer breaks than warranted, using company equipment for personal gain (internet, copiers, office supplies) – all forms of theft that cost employees millions upon millions of dollars in one form of revenue or another.  When we see others getting away with something, we tend to feel validated in doing the same.

Now, back to Exodus 34:12. 

When we have a covenant or mutual agreement with the inhabitants of the land – when we agree to follow their behavior, we place ourselves in a position where we compromise not only our values, or our position, we also jeopardize or standing with Christ.

DisappointmentNow, I know many people who will try to justify their behavior, such as in the examples listed.  The act of justification in itself is a form of turning away from the original covenant established between you and God.  Right is right and wrong is wrong, no matter how you look at it.

As we remain diligent in heeding God’s instruction from our Life Instruction Manual (The B-I-B-L-E), we place ourselves in a position of right living, thereby living a life that is rewarded for our acts of obedience to His Word and the acknowledgement of our values.

Now this entire subject may be getting a bit uncomfortable, only you know the level of your discomfort.  Who knows, I might be reading your mail.

considerReading this verse gives me an opportunity to feel this discomfort in a quiet place where it’s just He and I, and to begin candidly considering what I do and where I might fall short.

It’s not until I face this uncomfortable place that I will begin to consider my actions in this place where I reside and begin to work towards establishing a firm boundary with how I live to ensure that I am keeping my covenant with the One who determines my destiny, not only in this life, but in the hereafter.

We must get to the place, as uncomfortable as it may be, that we are striving to live a life that is pleasing to Him and not allow the inhabitants of this land to influence our behavior just because “everyone else is doing it – why not?”

Remember, everyone is NOT YOU, nor do they have the special calling that you have.  So don’t allow them to influence you in a way, no matter how minor it may seem, to veer away from doing right, living right and all that comes along with that commitment.

observeTAKE HEED.  That means pay attention; observe, analyze, consider.  Take the time to reflect on your surroundings and be sure that you are establishing the boundaries needed to live the life that honors your values and no one else’s.




Life  Coach andJournaling Practitioner

Life Coach and
Journaling Practitioner

Pamela Byrd (Wilderness Journeys) is a Spiritual Life Coach and Journaling Practitioner.

She is a staunch advocate for human potential and partners with individuals in learning how to develop the discipline of personal journaling as a tool for personal growth .

She has been journaling since she was 11 years old and conducts highly interactive journaling workshops both live and virtually for groups, churches and a variety of organizations.

Posted in Accountability | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | 21 Comments

4 Breakthroughs That Occur When Your Clients Journal

successCongratulations!  You have built a strong reputation for results!  The word is spreading and you are honing your ability to influence substantial change and growth in the lives of the people you touch.

We ARE tracking, aren’t we?  Of course we are!   With every new opportunity to impact the lives of others, you (as I am) are ALWAYS seeking out new ways to enhance your clients’ experience. Your wheels are constantly spinning.

As a Coach and Journaling Practitioner, I incorporate journal writing as a vital, mandatory component of my coaching programs.  Each of my clients walk away with a new-found knowledge of themselves gained through this well-regarded, yet under-valued tool for self-reflection and forward progression.


Offering a journaling package as an ancillary offering for your clients

provides you with an illuminating view of the progress your clients are making in their commitment to achieving identified goals.

As coaches, consultants and strategists, we depend on our clients to take ownership of their progress.  As they take on this new responsibility, we are committed to partnering with them to ensure they receive everything they need in support of that process. 

As a Journaling Practitioner,  I guide individuals through the journaling process.  I help them to understand the different styles of journaling that will assist them in:

  1. Exploring fresh ideas for capturing their world in writing through self-reflection
  2. Transforming difficult life transitions into personal growth
  3. Identifying self-defeating patterns that may be hindering their progression
  4. Gaining freedom from their past, overcoming present trials and moving forward to a more rewarding future

All for the purpose of helping them to eliminate any hindrances that may be blocking the pathway on the journey to their intended destination.

Each of the styles that I teach them to use will help them to tap into solutions for clearing emotional clutter, thereby allowing them to gain a better understanding of what was, what is and what’s possible.

How Does This Help You?

MP900289307[1]As an ancillary piece of your offering, and the work you do with each of your clients, you are providing them with a strategic tool for guiding them in the work they are doing through the guidance you are providing to them.

As a coach, I know all too well the joy in knowing the impact you are having in the lives of your clients.

As a part of your program, the support you provide to them through my expertise in this area, offers a channel for working through the intricate details that may be preventing them from moving forward, thereby giving you an opportunity to move them along more effectively.  You open up a world for them they may have never seen before!

If you know the value of journaling and you want to learn more about how this partnership can benefit you and the work you are doing with your clients, please give me a call 678/671-9609, or email me at info@pamelabyrd.com.

Learn more about how I can help you to move your clients from wanting something more to successfully achieving that which they are working towards.

Posted in The Art of Journaling | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , | 9 Comments

Release Your Inner Boundaries Through Journaling

uniqueAs I prepare for a Q & A Journaling Party tonight

on a live call with several journalers who are at different places in their lives as it relates to their journal writing experience, I can’t help but get excited.

At First, the feeling of excitement didn’t register because of the grunt work;

the marketing,

the reaching out to ensure that those that will benefit from this information will “GET IT!” and call in.

So you can see how time-consuming that can be.

It wasn’t until  I clicked on a YouTube video that was posted on FB of a beautiful young lady–she couldn’t have been more than 16 years old, clad in an “S” monogrammed t-shirt and cut off daisy dukes jean shorts , that it hit me:

I am sharing my passion!

Girl singingThis young lady was stretching herself beyond limitations.  She was “going for it”! She was not concerned about what anyone else thought about her or what she was doing.  She was enjoying the moment and basking in her gift of song. 

Her voice was smooth and melodious and resonated like birds singing in a spring garden, but with power and control that would rival any American Idol or X-Factor contestant.

Once I witnessed this exhibit of absolute courage and beauty, I couldn’t help but get EXCITED!

Many times, we get so caught up in the inertia of the moment; the daily activities that move us closer to our chosen destination, without even realizing why we are doing it.

confusedSo what does this all have to do with Journaling? 

Well, I’ll tell you.  Journaling can be used as a strategic tool to identify those gifts you possess and will allow you to relax limitations that may be hindering you from sharing that gift or those gifts with the world.

You may be thinking, “Well, I don’t sing.” 

Neither do I (even though I wish I could)!

But you do have gifts.  Your gifts are waiting to be shared;

otherwise they would not have been presented to you.

So many times we place boundaries on ourselves (internal boundaries) that prevent us from having the courage to share our gifts with those that will benefit from them.

Journaling helps you to identify those gifts and to begin the process of developing the courage to reveal them to others.

As I share the art of journaling with others, I am opening up new opportunities for them to explore “self” and to uncover new paths of discovery.  Paths that have been untapped and waiting to be discovered. I am removing any self-imposed boundaries in order to share my gifts so that others might benefit.

hold onWhat self-imposed boundaries are you holding onto like a baby dangling over a balcony?  (If any familiar images come up for you on that one, I’m putting that on you!)


There are several journaling styles that can help you to uncover your specific notepadtalents and gifts in a way that will prompt you to explore them even further.  It’s not until they are brought to the forefront, that they are clear enough to warrant consideration for sharing with others.  Here are two to get you started:

  1.  Free Intuitive Writing.  This is a journaling style that teaches you how to tap into your creative mind (your right brain) and begin to uncover gifts that you may not have even been aware of.  It also helps you to generate creative ideas for releasing you in areas where you may have become “stuck” or stagnant.  Many writers use this style of journaling to release creativity when they are experiencing “writers block”.  It is also a way to creatively resolve issues that are causing you frustration.
  2. Dialogical – This style of journaling can provide you with a third-party perspective that allows you to see things “outside of yourself”.  It is my most effective style of journaling and helps me to gain perspectives not normally acquired through normal thought processes.

If either of these styles of journaling sound intriguing to you, and you would like to learn more about how it can work for you; not only to uncover your talents and gifts, but to create a plan for resolution in many areas of your life, give me a call or shoot me an email. I’d be happy to discuss ways that I can help you.

Who knows, we might be seeing you displaying your gifts on YouTube, or somewhere else!

Release your internal boundaries through the practice of Journaling

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What Makes You Any Different Than Moses?

I am constantly reminded through my scripture reading that our purpose is not an easy undertaking.  Anyone who fulfilled God’s purpose for their lives as indicated throughout the Bible DID NOT have an easy time of it.

What makes us any different?

Here’s just one example: 

One “fiery” day, Moses was in the presence of God and given instruction to returnmountain to Egypt to free God’s chosen people, the Israelites and lead them to their promised land.  As you can imagine, Moses was a little uncomfortable with this charge (we’ll get to the benefits of being uncomfortable a little later).  Because of this uneasiness, he questioned God as to how he would be able to carry this out.  God’s response,

“I Am”.

In other words, “because of who I am, you don’t have to worry.  I will provide for you.  Whatever you need and whatever it takes to fulfill your purpose”. (paraphrased)

Moses assigned task was not an easy one.  It was not comfortable.  Moses would have been just fine settling in to his comfortable little life as a sheep herder in Midian with his happy little family and lived happily ever after.  After all, his escape from Egypt and the reality of his true birth was enough for him to handle.  But this is not a fairy tale.  His assignment had already been identified and He was not alone in carrying it out.

callingI remember hearing Paul Krause, founder of TBN  (Trinity Broadcasting Network)confess that many times on the road toward his purpose of broadcasting God’s word to the world, he would plead with God, “take this away from me!”  This charge, or assignment seemed more like a curse than a blessing. So many times, we have no idea how much a person goes through in order to fulfill God’s purpose for their lives.  But we can rest assured that God has a plan that is so well orchestrated, only He can understand.

Trust in the Lord with ALL your heart and lean not to your own understanding.  In all your ways acknowledge him, and He shall direct your path. (Proverbs 3:5,6)

The important thing to know is that God (“I Am”) is with us when we are walking out our purpose as well.  As long as we are fulfilling “His” purpose, “His” plan, and remain focused on “His” guidance, He will carry us, provide for us and protect us.  holdhandsWe can count on Him to do all that is needed to get us to where we need to be, as long as we trust and rely on Him.

Unfortunately, we hinder our growth for the sake of comfort. 

Whenever things get uncomfortable, we make excuses for why we are not doing what we know in our hearts is necessary, instead of looking at where we want to be, how badly we want to get there, and what we may need to give up or consider in order to achieve it.

 Moses Questioned God

Many times, when we are sure of our purpose, we question if we are “worthy” to carry it out.  This is a form of self-deprecation.  Please keep in mind that none of us are worthy, but if He chooses us based on His ultimate plan (which we don’t know, nor would we understand), we have to be obedient in carrying out our little part of His plan by trusting in Him.  Otherwise, our doubt is a sign of irreverence and disrespect.

desertWhat most people don’t realize is that the Israelite’s journey from Egypt to the promised land (yes, 40 years–due to irreverence and disrespect), was merely a small piece of the puzzle that makes up God’s plan for man).  Every day that we do not work towards fulfilling God’s purpose for our lives, it is a sign of disrespect toward Him.

wrist watchHow long will you disrespect Him (40 years?)  Take the time to find out what His purpose is for you, and the role you play in walking out His ultimate plan and your role in it.

So How Are You Coming Along?  Are You Ready to Find Out?


Posted in Purpose | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 15 Comments


Invitation photo


TIME TO DO A “PULSE CHECK”  and beg the question, 



Am I where I thought I would be 5 years ago?

Do I have a plan for fulfilling my life goals?

Is my plan working?

Am I on track for where God wants me to be?

Am I using my spiritual gifts for the purposes God Intended?

If you answered NO to any of these questions,

join me for a complimentary webcast

to uncover those things that may be holding you back

learn how your focus in 4 KEY AREAS

can position you to live your life ON PURPOSE.

To Register:

or email your interest and any questions to http://www.findingyourpath@pamelabyrd.com

Posted in Accountability, Purpose, Uncategorized, Women's Empowerment | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , | 10 Comments

The Vast Difference Between a Gaze and a Fleeting Glance

Holy Bible

I Cherish  the time I devote to studying the Bible, particularly the Old Testament.

Why? Because it  is the foundation from which our boundaries were established.  The lessons learned from this time, and application in our current lives yield blessings beyond measure.

Here’s just one example:

In Numbers 21:6, there was a plague of snakes that had come upon the Israelites on their journey to the promised land.  This plague was placed on them because of their sin.  What sin you may ask?  They disobeyed God.

Here they were, the recipients of numerous blessings;

rescued from their enemies by the parting of the waters so that could escape on dry land,

they were led by a cloud during the day, and a pillar of fire by night.

They received manna for sustenance every single day,

and given one day to rest (wouldn’t it be nice to have one of those days now?!),

and they were on their way to a place where they would no longer have to worry about being subjected to slavery as they and their ancestors had been subjected to for the past 400 years, just to name a few.

By all counts, they had much to be thankful for;

they were free, no longer in bondage,

their bills were paid,

they had food on the table and didn’t have to worry where their next meal was coming from.

Bottom line, they had a bad attitude and lacked gratitude. 

They kept their minds on where they came from and where they were. This limiting thought process prevented them from focusing on where they were going.  So they complained and succumbed to sinning against God, thereby angering God to the point where He sent serpents to bite and kill them.

snake on a branchNow, being the exemplary leader that he was, Moses went to God on their behalf.   There were so many people dying that Moses went to God to inquire as to how to handle the snakes.  God instructed Moses to construct a bronze image of a snake and mount it on a pole.

Whenever a man was bitten by a snake, he was to gaze at the bronze image UNTIL he was saved.  This did not imply that once he glanced at the image, his life would be spared and that he did not  have to look again.

It implied that he was to gaze, look intently, focus on the image, with a steady and absorbing gaze UNTIL he was saved.

It’s not until we look at God intently, uninterrupted and focused that we place ourselves in a position to receive his blessings.  We have to go after Him, look to Him, gaze upon Him in order to be rescued from the snare or the enemy.

What’s interesting to me is that when Moses took their request to God, God didn’t stop the snakes from biting.  He merely gave them a way out and that way out was a choice. They could succumb to the bite and die OR they could look to God in the midst of the attack; stay focused on Him, based on His instruction, and they would be saved. God could have easily stopped the snakes from biting, but what lesson would have been learned?

Fast forward to the New Testament to see how this all ties together.  Jesus said that as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, so must the Son of Man be lifted up, that everyone who believes in Him (that cleaves to, trusts in and relies on Him) may not perish but have eternal life.  (John 3:14, 15)

glanceTaking a current day perspective, what would you consider a fleeting glance?  Here are just a few that come to mind for me. (I refer to these as “checking the block”):

  1. Saying grace
  2. Saying your prayers at night
  3. Going to church on Sunday and not reading and following up on His Word after church. (Isn’t that why we take notes, or is it just to stay awake or make others believe we are paying attention?)
  4. Calling on God when you are in trouble as if He were your bail bondsman.

Just like the Israelites and their plight in the wilderness, we have a tendency to complain about where we are, what we don’t have and how things might be different had we stayed where we were.  This self-defeating attitude keeps us from gazing on the promise of what God has for us, and opens us up to the enemy’s attempts to derail us from our appointed journey.

We may think that we are protecting ourselves from the enemy’s attacks by “checking the block” and then blame it on God when we don’t get what we want or what we feel we deserve.

Intently gazing on God and committing time to getting to know Him places us in a position of protection and assures us that we are well on our way to our promised land.  That place where God abides in us and honors us with His grace and mercies.

Woman and bibleI encourage you to identify where you are with your attitude of gratitude.  Are you dedicating time to gaze intently at God?  Are you acknowledging all that He is doing for you?  Or are you merely “checking the block”?

Your willingness to give God more than a fleeting glance, just might make the difference between just getting by and receiving unprecedented abundance in your life.

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Now, THAT’S The Love of God!

When you cozy up to a fireplace on a cold, snowy day…

That’s the Love of God

waking upWhen you curl up under a warm comforter in your nice, soft bed after a long day on your feet…

That’s the love of God

When you stand on the balcony of a log cabin in the mountains on a crisp clear, spring day and listen


That’s the love of God.


When the warmth of the sun caresses you..

That’s the love of God. 

When you nestle your newborn baby in your arms, feel their soft skin, smell their sweet fragrance, 

hold their little hand and kiss their gentle forehead…

That’s the love of God.

father kissing baby

There are many examples of God’s love all around you.

How often have you stopped to ponder what God’s love feels like?

What it looks like?

Seek out examples in your everyday lives. We’re all motivated by the everyday tasks that monopolize our every waking moment.

Honor God today for the time He has given you this day and bask in the glory of His love for you today.

Why is it

that when someone dies, we will stop what we are doing for a moment of silence?

To honor them.

Take a moment… this very moment…. to have a moment of silence that someone lives. It could be you, it could be someone you love.

Now, That’s the love of God!

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